
What defines a "Veteran" PC developer?

Yesterday, I found myself thinking about the concept of what "veteran" developer could be.
I think I've found some interesting clues!

Let's see... humm... A veteran PC developer is the one that:

- know what HIMEM.SYS is;

- Still edits autoexec.bat to set his programs to launch at startup;

- Knows why DRDOS was far better than MSDOS, specially when using the "TAB" key;

- Understands the INT9 concept to put TSR programs working;

- Thinks that OOP concept is like a kid's toy;

- Knows what was the "Turbo" meaning in "Turbo Pascal";

- Created an WIN.bat to lauch Windows 3.0 without have to type "WINDOWS" in the MSDOS 5.0 command prompt;


Give me more! Help me to complete this list!

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